Rishi Kapoor, who was on a break from Bollywood due to his health issues is making a comeback to the Indian film industry with the forthcoming film, titled Sharmaji Namkeen.
The film is bankrolled by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani’s production house Excel Entertainment in collaboration with Honey Trehan and Abhishek Chaubey’s MacGuffin Pictures. The film marks as Rishi Kapoor’s first project post his return from the USA.
On Thursday, film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to his official Twitter handle to share the official announcement. He posted a picture of Rishi Kapoor along with others and wrote, “IT’S OFFICIAL… #RishiKapoor returns to films with #SharmajiNamkeen… Costars #JuhiChawla… Directed by Hitesh Bhatia… Produced by Excel Entertainment [Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar] in collaboration with MacGuffin Pictures [Honey Trehan and Abhishek Chaubey] (sic).”
Directed by Hitesh Bhatia, the 67-year-old actor would be sharing screens with evergreen actress Juhi Chawla, who was last seen in the 2014 film Gulaab Gang. The two have previously collaborated in films like Daraar, Bol Radha Bol, Eena Meena Deeka, Saajan Ka Ghar and many more.