Actor Sonam Kapoor, who made a comeback to movies last year post-pregnancy, has expressed her readiness to explore streaming platforms if approached for a tentpole film or series.
Sonam was recently featured in the film ‘Blind,’ directed by Shome Makhija, alongside Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak, and Lillete Dubey in prominent roles.
The film marked Sonam’s return to acting after a maternity break. She gave birth to Vayu in August 2022.
In a statement, Sonam explained, “For me, being a part of good content and good cinema is all that matters. The platform where it’s releasing is immaterial because the world has changed. I’m excited to lead a project on streaming that captivates people. I’m thoroughly enjoying the diversity of content out there.”
Sonam, an avid consumer of streaming content, is pleased with how these platforms have transformed people’s content preferences.
She said, “I have always wanted to make my foray into streaming, provided I’m headlining a tentpole film or a series on a global streaming platform. I have been a binge-watcher of the outstanding content that streaming platforms have been creating for years now.”
She added, “I believe streaming platforms have pushed the content envelope of our country, making it more creatively disruptive and dynamic. The bar that streaming content has set globally, as well as in India, is incredible. Streaming allows you to experiment a lot as an artist. It is a very exciting medium for me. So, I’m all game to make my debut on streaming.”
Sonam stated, “I know my debut on streaming has been a long time coming, and I hope people will really love what I’m going to offer.”
Meanwhile, Sonam has signed two new projects, one of them being ‘Battle for Bittora.’ The details of the other project are being kept under wraps currently. (ANI)