Veteran actress Shabana Azmi recently shared a touching and candid story about her experience working with the late Shashi Kapoor. In a heartfelt interview, she opened up about her long-standing admiration for Kapoor and a memorable incident from the set of their film “Fakira.”
Shabana, who had been a fan of Shashi Kapoor since she was nine, reminisced about his unique way of showing affection. Describing him as “crazy,” she recounted an episode that perfectly encapsulated his character. It was during the filming of the song “Dil Mein Tujhe Bithakar” in “Fakira” that Shabana faced a challenging moment.
As a young actress, she was intimidated by the intimate choreography of the scene. “I was very young at that time, and the moves were very intimate. I had tears in my eyes and left the set because I didn’t want to do those shots,” she explained. Overwhelmed and anxious, she confided in her hairdresser, expressing her discomfort and reluctance.
Her distress soon attracted Shashi Kapoor’s attention. “Suddenly there was a heavy knocking on the door, and in came Shashi Kapoor. He asked, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ I told him I couldn’t do those scenes,” Shabana recalled. His initial response was far from comforting. He admonished her, saying, “When you became an actress, didn’t you realize this when you told your mother you wanted to become an actress, stupid girl,” before storming off.
At that moment, Shabana Azmi felt hurt and misunderstood. She turned to her hairdresser and remarked on how mean Shashi Kapoor seemed. However, what happened next completely changed her perspective.
“When I went back on set after half an hour, he had every move changed,” Shabana shared, her voice filled with gratitude. Shashi Kapoor had quietly arranged for the choreography to be altered, accommodating her discomfort without further confrontation. This gesture, seemingly rough on the surface but kind at its core, left a lasting impression on Shabana.
This story highlights Shashi Kapoor’s complex personality—his tough exterior masking a deeply considerate nature. Shabana Azmi’s anecdote not only sheds light on her personal growth as an actress but also paints a vivid picture of Shashi Kapoor’s unique way of supporting his colleagues, even if it meant being misunderstood temporarily. It’s a testament to the unspoken bond and understanding that often develops between actors working closely together.