Salman Khan found himself in a unique role at the wedding of Riddhima Kapoor, sister of actor Ranbir Kapoor, back in 2006. Ranbir recently shared a delightful anecdote on the premiere episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show on Netflix India, shedding light on Riddhima’s deep admiration for Salman. Apparently, Riddhima, like many, was a die-hard fan of the Bollywood superstar, with his posters adorning the walls of her room.
In a heartwarming gesture, Salman offered to step in as the bartender for the occasion, much to Riddhima’s delight. However, what ensued was astonishing. As host Kapil Sharma reminisced about Salman’s stint as the bartender, Riddhima’s mother, the esteemed Neetu Kapoor, chimed in with a humorous twist to the tale.
According to Neetu Kapoor, the party took an unexpected turn when guests began complaining about the dwindling liquor supply. Surprised by the sudden shortage, Rishi Kapoor, Riddhima’s father, was baffled, having brought an ample amount of booze for the celebration. It soon became apparent that guests were tossing away their drinks merely to have Salman serve them afresh.
Amused by the situation, Rishi Kapoor marched up to Salman and jokingly ordered him to vacate the bartender’s station, teasingly exclaiming, “Go on, get out of here!” It was a light-hearted moment that added to the fond memories of the wedding festivities.
Today, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, now a prominent fashion designer, is in a happy marital relationship with Delhi businessman Bharat Sahni. The couple shares a beautiful daughter named Samara, who recently celebrated her twelfth birthday. Interestingly, Riddhima is ready to step into the spotlight once again, making her screen debut on an upcoming Netflix India reality show titled Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives.
Salman Khan’s unexpected role as the bartender at Riddhima’s wedding remains a cherished memory for the Kapoor family, adding a touch of humor and warmth to their special day.