Rohit Shetty, the mastermind behind Bollywood’s biggest blockbusters, has praised Kriti Sanon for her remarkable rise in the industry, stating, “Kriti has obviously made her mark.”
Kriti Sanon has truly owned 2024, according to Rohit Shetty, with a string of impressive performances that showcase her versatility. From portraying a robot in ‘Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya’ to stepping into the role of an air hostess in the much-anticipated ‘Crew’, Kriti has effortlessly transitioned between a wide range of characters.
She rounded off the year with ‘Do Patti’, where she took on the challenge of playing a double role with two completely contrasting characters.
The year has been a pivotal one for Kriti, with a mix of box-office hits and critically acclaimed performances. Her ability to excel in diverse roles, from comedies to emotional dramas, has left both audiences and critics in awe.
In ‘Mimi’, she delivered an award-winning performance as a surrogate mother, which earned her both a National Film Award and a Filmfare Award for Best Actress.
Despite a few setbacks with films like ‘Adipurush’ (2023), Kriti’s recent projects, including ‘Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya’ and ‘Crew’, have proven to be successful, reaffirming her place as one of Bollywood’s most sought-after talents.