Rani Mukerji recently delved into the aftermath of her 2006 film, Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna, during a Masterclass at the 54th International Film Festival of India in Goa. According to Mukerji, the movie had a notable impact, being a catalyst for numerous divorces. “I think what happened with Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna was that, after the film, there were a lot of divorces,” she shared.
The actress acknowledged the discomfort the film caused for many viewers, noting that it opened their eyes and prompted them to seek happiness in their lives. Discussing her character, Maya, and the intricate dynamics of her relationships with Rishi, played by Abhishek Bachchan, and Dev, portrayed by Shah Rukh Khan, Mukerji highlighted the unique love Maya had for Rishi as a friend and the romantic fulfillment she found in Dev.
In the course of the conversation, Rani Mukerji stressed the importance of addressing women’s desires and choices. She pointed out that the absence of physical harm from a husband doesn’t necessarily equate to a satisfying intimate relationship or genuine love. Mukerji emphasized society’s tendency to overlook inquiries into a woman’s attraction towards her partner.
Commending director Karan Johar’s audacity in creating a film like Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna, especially during a period of uncertainty, Mukerji underscored the significance of supporting robust films and portrayals. Concluding her thoughts on the film, she stated, “But in the history of Indian cinema, it will always be remembered as a film which is always ahead of its time.”