In a recent revelation, Bollywood luminary Rani Mukerji candidly shared an arduous incident from the filming of the iconic song “Tumhi Dekho Naa” in the movie Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. The revelation took place during the Galatta Plus Mega Pan India Roundtable 2023, where the acclaimed filmmaker Karan Johar shed light on the challenges faced during the shooting of the song “Tum Kya Mile.”
Johar, reminiscing about the filming process, disclosed that he had a discussion with the talented Alia Bhatt prior to shooting the song. This discussion was prompted by the consideration of the challenging conditions Bhatt would face – shooting in freezing temperatures while adorned in a delicate chiffon saree.
Rani Mukerji, an integral part of the conversation, seized the opportunity to recount a similar ordeal she faced while shooting the song “Tumhi Dekho Naa” in Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. Clad in a striking red saree, Mukerji found herself grappling with extreme cold, rendering her unable to walk. She vividly recalled the incident, expressing her dismay at the lack of consideration displayed by Karan Johar at that time.
During the roundtable discussion, Mukerji narrated, “I was wearing a red saree in that song, and I actually froze. I couldn’t walk. And one of my cousins, who was also AD-ing him, Ayan, he had to literally carry me to my car because I had frozen.” She added a humorous touch, revealing that if one were to closely observe the song, her frozen lips during the lip-syncing scenes betray the uncomfortable reality behind the seemingly sensual performance.
Karan Johar, corroborating Mukerji’s account, reminisced about his own eccentric demand during the filming, stating, “I was so crazy at that time, in -14 degrees, I said I want rain. So, there was a rain machine, but before it was reaching them, it was becoming ice. We had a health and safety department saying, ‘You’ll kill them’.”
The revelations provide a fascinating glimpse into the challenges faced by actors and filmmakers in the pursuit of creating cinematic magic. Mukerji’s recounting of her freezing ordeal adds a human touch to the glamorous facade of Bollywood, highlighting the sacrifices and discomfort that often accompany the creation of visually stunning scenes.