The engagement of Raghav Chadha and Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra created a buzz in the headlines earlier this year. Fans across social media celebrated the union of the politician and the popular actress. Since the announcement, both Parineeti and Raghav have shared glimpses of their relationship on Instagram and other platforms.
During a recent interview, Raghav Chadha briefly discussed his engagement to Parineeti Chopra while primarily focusing on his political career. When questioned about the impact of the engagement on his life and how his party colleagues perceive him now, Raghav Chadha responded, “Let’s stick to discussing political alliances rather than personal ones. However, I can say that my colleagues tease me less about my marital plans, as they are aware that it’s on the horizon.”
Raghav Chadha is a Member of Parliament representing the Aam Aadmi Party.
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha exchanged engagement rings on May 13 in Delhi, surrounded by their families and loved ones. According to sources, their wedding is scheduled for October this year, and it is now reported that they will be holding their wedding reception in Gurugram. Initially, there were speculations about the couple organizing two wedding receptions—one in Chandigarh and another in Mumbai.
After the engagement, Parineeti shared a heartfelt note of gratitude, thanking everyone for their love and well-wishes. She expressed, “Raghav and I are overwhelmed with the love and positivity we have received, especially on our engagement. Our worlds unite with this union, and we feel blessed to have gained such a loving and supportive family. To our amazing friends in the media, thank you for being there and cheering for us.”
Following their engagement, Parineeti Chopra took a moment to express her sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to all who showered them with love and well-wishes.
Overwhelmed by the outpouring of affection, she warmly shared, “Raghav and I are deeply touched by the abundance of love and positivity we have received, particularly during this special time of our engagement. This union has brought our worlds together, and we feel immensely blessed to have embraced such a loving and supportive family. To our wonderful friends in the media, we extend our heartfelt thanks for being there with us every step of the way, offering your heartfelt cheers and support.”