Actress Radhika Madan recently took to social media to celebrate a special milestone – the fourth anniversary of the heartwarming film ‘Angrezi Medium.’ Directed by Homi Adajania, the movie touched hearts with its poignant story of a father’s unwavering love for his daughter and their journey to fulfill her dream of studying abroad.
In a heartfelt post, Radhika expressed her gratitude to the entire team behind the film, including the cast, crew, producers, and director Homi Adajania. She particularly thanked co-stars Irrfan Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Deepak Dobriyal, and others for their contributions. Her post, sprinkled with emojis and tagged mentions, reflected the camaraderie and memories shared during the making of the film.
‘Angrezi Medium,’ released in 2020, captivated audiences with its touching narrative and stellar performances. Radhika’s portrayal of Tarika Bansal, the determined daughter chasing her dreams, struck a chord with viewers, earning her widespread acclaim.
The film, a standalone sequel to the 2017 hit ‘Hindi Medium,’ was shot in picturesque locations from Udaipur to London. Tragically, ‘Angrezi Medium’ became Irrfan Khan’s final cinematic journey before his untimely demise in April 2020, adding a poignant layer to its legacy.
Initially hitting theaters in India on March 13, 2020, the film faced challenges as cinemas shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Plans for a re-release were scrapped, and the movie found its way to audiences digitally on Disney+ Hotstar less than a month after its theatrical debut.
As Radhika and fans reminisce about the impact of ‘Angrezi Medium’ four years on, the film stands not only as a testament to the talent and dedication of its creators but also as a reminder of the power of storytelling to touch lives and inspire dreams.