After releasing an intriguing teaser of Anushka Sharma’s Paatal Lok, the makers have started releasing the character posters from the series. Earlier, they released a motion poster of another character, Hathiram Chaudhary played by Jaideep Ahlawat. Keeping up the excitement with the unveils, the character poster of another striking character – Vishal Tyagi aka Hathoda Tyagi is finally out on Saturday.
Vishal Tyagi, popularly known as Hathoda Tyagi is a volatile, ruthless serial killer. The character is played by yet another critically acclaimed actor, Abhishek Banerjee. The performance is all set to redefine wickedness and give you goosebumps and fill you in with terror.
Paatal Lok is by the creator Sudip Sharma (the writer for Udta Punjab, NH10). Get all set to walk through virtual gates of purgatory. The official trailer of the show will be released on 5th May, 11:34 am.
Showcasing the contrasting realities of modern society, Amazon Prime Video’s upcoming original Paatal Lok will surely raise your hair with its captivating portrayal of the many shades of humanity.