Veteran Bollywood actor Mithun Chakraborty has been discharged from a Kolkata hospital after being admitted due to severe chest pain. The 73-year-old actor was diagnosed with an Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) of the brain. However, he assured his fans that he is “absolutely fine” and ready to get back to work on his upcoming film projects.
Mithun’s health scare didn’t just catch the attention of his fans but also drew a concerned call from none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself. According to Mithun, PM Modi gave him a gentle scolding for neglecting his health, emphasizing the importance of taking care of oneself.
The actor, known for his dynamic on-screen presence, expressed gratitude for the outpouring of love and concern from his fans and well-wishers. He stressed the need to watch his food habits and take better care of himself to avoid such health setbacks in the future.
Hospital sources confirmed that Mithun underwent a series of clinical tests during his stay, including an MRI, under the supervision of senior doctors and therapists. The news of his discharge came shortly after reports surfaced that he was in stable condition.
Mithun’s quick recovery and positive outlook have brought relief to his fans, who eagerly anticipate his return to the silver screen. The veteran actor, with his infectious energy and charisma, remains an enduring figure in Indian cinema.