The entertainment world is abuzz with the exciting news of fashion designer Manish Malhotra stepping into the director’s role for a poignant biopic on the legendary actress, Meena Kumari. Kriti Sanon will be gracing the screen as the ‘Tragedy Queen,’ adding to the anticipation around this much-awaited project. In the spirit of celebrating Meena Kumari’s extraordinary life, here are some fascinating facts about the actress:
1. Unparalleled Record: Meena Kumari’s brilliance on screen earned her a unique distinction at the Filmfare Awards in 1963. She was the sole nominee in the category of Best Actress in a Leading Role, representing three remarkable performances in three different films. No other actress has achieved such an extraordinary feat in the history of the prestigious awards.
2. Words of Poetry: Beyond her captivating performances, Meena Kumari found solace in the world of Urdu poetry. She penned heartfelt verses, some of which have been published, revealing her soulful and poetic side.
3. Family Ties: The intricacies of Meena Kumari’s personal life held intriguing connections. Mehmood, the renowned comedian of Bollywood, tied the knot with Meena Kumari’s sister. Interestingly, he even taught table tennis to the legendary actress, nurturing a unique bond between them.
4. A Stranger’s Tale: Bhaichand Patel, a Fiji Indian born author, delves into the enigmatic world of Meena Kumari in his memoir titled “I Am a Stranger Here Myself – An Unreliable Memoir.” The book unveils intriguing stories about Meena Kumari’s last days, intricately woven with her lawyer Rajni Sharma and Kishore Sharma, who happens to be Mehmood’s ex-wife’s new husband.
5. A Bittersweet Premiere: Despite her failing health, Meena Kumari showcased her unwavering dedication to her craft. She attended the premiere of one of her films at the Maratha Mandir theatre in Mumbai, braving her illness. Tragically, she passed away just a few days after the film’s release, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire generations.
6. A Hidden Injury: Early in her life, Meena Kumari endured a car accident that injured her little finger. Throughout her illustrious career, she consciously covered the injured finger with her saree or a dupatta in all her films. Directors admired her beauty and screen presence, urging her to let go of the self-consciousness, but she carried this mark till her last days.
As we eagerly await the unveiling of Meena Kumari’s life on the silver screen, these fascinating facts add depth to the legacy of the iconic actress.