Manisha Koirala, the renowned actress known for her iconic roles in Indian cinema, recently opened up about the challenges faced by senior actresses, particularly the painful label of being a “has been actor.”
Speaking at the 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa, Koirala shared her thoughts during a conversation with filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane at the event titled ‘From Big Screen to Streaming.’
The actress, who has made a remarkable return to the screen with the period drama ‘Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar’ on Netflix, addressed the shifting landscape of the entertainment industry. “The term ‘has been actor’ is painful, and it’s something that is often thrown at female actors,” she said.
However, she pointed out the positive change brought about by streaming platforms, which have opened up new avenues for senior actors. “Today, actresses like Neena Gupta are giving some of the finest performances on OTT,” she added.
In ‘Heeramandi’, Manisha Koirala plays Mallikajaan, a brothel madam in British India, a role that marks her collaboration with acclaimed director Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The series also marks Bhansali’s debut on the streaming platform, and it has met with great anticipation.
For Koirala, this reunion with Bhansali, with whom she previously worked in the 1996 film ‘Khamoshi: The Musical’, was a significant moment in her career.
The first season of ‘Heeramandi’ has already garnered attention, and fans can look forward to a second season, which is ready to premiere soon on Netflix.
Before ‘Heeramandi’, Koirala appeared in the 2023 film ‘Shehzada’, alongside Kartik Aaryan and Kriti Sanon. However, despite the star-studded cast, the film was both a commercial and critical disappointment.
In a lighter moment, Kartik Aaryan even referenced the film’s failure in his latest release ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’.