In a recent interview, actor Manisha Koirala opened up about her views on motherhood and the desire for companionship. Having been through a challenging battle with cancer, Manisha expressed that she lacks the confidence to embark on motherhood at the moment but hasn’t completely ruled it out. While acknowledging the presence of her “wonderful parents and amazing friends,” she admitted that she sometimes wonders if having a life partner would enhance her experiences.
The actor was previously married between 2010 and 2012 to Samrat Dahal, a Nepali businessman. The couple exchanged vows in a traditional ceremony held in Kathmandu on June 19, 2010. Unfortunately, their marital journey came to an end two years later, coinciding with the year Manisha received her ovarian cancer diagnosis. During the recent interview, Manisha was asked to share her thoughts on having a life partner.
Reflecting on this aspect of her life, Manisha candidly shared her thoughts with ETimes, saying, “To have a family is a bit late now, no? Sometimes I do wonder if I had a life partner, then would life have been better? I don’t know. I feel my life is complete and my children are my dog and my cat, Mowgli and Simba. Plus, I have wonderful parents and an amazing circle of friends. Still, sometimes I wonder, would it be nicer if I had a life partner?”
During the interview, Manisha also discussed her thoughts on becoming a single mother. She expressed her desire to raise a child as a single parent, provided she gains the necessary confidence to take on such a responsibility.
Acknowledging the challenges involved, Manisha stated, “I know how responsible you have to be to raise a child in this world. The day I get the confidence that as a single mother I can do that, I will do it. But keeping in mind my health background, my multiple interests that I wish to pursue, and the sense of freedom that I am enjoying now… if I can sacrifice all that and focus on being a parent, I would love to do that.”