Recently, Madhuri Dixit caught the India vs New Zealand World Cup semi-final action at Mumbai’s Wankhede stadium, accompanied by her husband, Dr. Shriram Nene. Amidst the star-studded event, she had a chance encounter with her former co-star, Rajinikanth, leading to a spontaneous selfie. Sharing the moment on Instagram, Dixit delved into memories of their collaboration in the movie “Uttar Dakshin.”
In a reflection of their time on set, she shared that the legendary South Indian actor communicated with her in Marathi during the film’s shoot. Even today, whenever they cross paths, Rajinikanth recalls their shared cinematic journey.
In her Instagram post, Dixit humorously penned, “Keh do Uttar waalo se Dakshin waale aagye” (Tell the ones from the North, the ones from the South have arrived) – a reference to a song from their movie “Uttar Dakshin.” She expressed admiration for Rajinikanth’s linguistic versatility and his enduring memory of their collaborative project.
The actress highlighted the enduring impact of their shared history, stating, “What an inspiration and what a human being. It was fabulous catching up with Rajnikant Ji #Thalaivar.” She consistently marveled at his qualities of kindness, humility, and respect, emphasizing how these traits make their interactions memorable.
The post resonated with fans and followers, offering a glimpse into the camaraderie between two accomplished actors. Beyond the glamour of the cricket match and celebrity encounters, Dixit’s Instagram update showcased the genuine connections and enduring memories that often develop in the world of cinema.
As the India vs New Zealand match unfolded, Madhuri Dixit’s nostalgic reunion with Rajinikanth added a touch of warmth and camaraderie to the star-studded event, reminding everyone that, beyond the screen, actors share real and lasting bonds.