Actress Manisha Koirala, who is making her comeback with the forthcoming film Dear Maya, says life has come a full circle for her as she has been through multiple journeys.
Manisha, known for 1990s films like Bombay and Khamoshi: The Musical, has come up with a video titled "Manisha Koirala Unblushed", which was released on Culture Machine's digital channel Blush on Monday.
In the video, Manisha represents the modern Indian woman, who is a product of her choice, her surrounding and her experiences. She delivers a message that it's necessary to recognise and embrace all your imperfections as they go into making you the phenomenal person you are.
"Life has come a full circle for me at this point where I've been through multiple journeys. These journeys put together encapsulate the person I am today," Manisha said in a statement.
"Similarly, the characters essayed in the video from my films like Bombay and Dear Maya including others have added meaning to my life and taught me to embrace all things coming my way," she added.
Dear Maya will release on Friday.