Director Shekhar Kapur, who had signed Sushant Singh Rajput for his ambitious venture Paani, has mourned the actor’s untimely demise. Kapur took to his official Twitter handle and opened up on the actor’s demise. His tweet at this crucial time has evoked several questions.
Sushant Singh Rajput had reportedly committed suicide at his Bandra residence in Mumbai on Sunday. The postmortem of the actor has been conducted at Mumbai’s Dr RN Cooper Municipal General Hospital. As per the reports, the actor suffered asphyxia due to hanging, which is stated to be the provisional cause of death.
As per initial reports from the police, Sushant was suffering from depression for the past six months.
In a new tweet, the filmmaker said that the actor was in ‘pain’ and would ‘weep on (his) shoulder’ because of being let down by certain people.
“I knew the pain you were going through. I knew the story of the people that let you down so bad that you would weep on my shoulder. I wish Iwas around the last 6 months. I wish you had reached out to me. What happened to you was their Karma. Not yours. #SushantSinghRajput,” he wrote on Twitter.
Meanwhile, the actor’s family arrived in Mumbai from Patna to perform his last rites.
On Sunday, Shekhar remembered Sushant in a heartfelt tweet and called him ‘an old wise soul in a restless young body’. He wrote on Twitter, “Dear Sushant, there was so much more you had to offer. Perhaps the world was not up to your beliefs.. you should not have gone like this …but then you were an old wise soul in a restless young body. Often the heavens cannot handle that ..”
Shekhar and Sushant were supposed to collaborate on the ambitious film, Paani, which got shelved in 2015 after Yash Raj Films backed out as the producers.