Katrina Kaif recently took to Instagram to shower praise on her husband Vicky Kaushal’s performance in the upcoming film ‘Bad Newz’. Posting the film’s poster on her story, Katrina expressed her excitement and admiration for Vicky’s effortless acting and on-screen charm. She also lauded the chemistry between the Punjabi boys in the movie, giving a special shoutout to co-stars Ammy Virk and Triptii Dimri.
The anticipation for ‘Bad Newz’ was further fueled by a special screening held for members of the film industry. Vicky, accompanied by Katrina and their family, attended the event to support the film’s cast and crew. The presence of Vicky’s family added to the celebratory atmosphere, highlighting the close-knit support system behind the film.
Directed by Anand Tiwari, ‘Bad Newz’ promises to bring a fresh twist to the comedy genre, departing from conventional romantic comedy plots to explore the humorous complexities of heteropaternal superfecundation—essentially, the intriguing scenario of two fathers and one mother expecting a child.
The film is co-production of Anand Tiwari, Hiroo Yash Johar, Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and Amritpal Singh Bindra, ensuring a blend of creative vision and production expertise. Amidst promotional events, Vicky Kaushal addressed rumors about Katrina’s pregnancy, clarifying that while they would share any good news in due time, current speculation should focus on enjoying ‘Bad Newz’.
‘Bad Newz’ also features talents like Triptii Dimri and Ammy Virk alongside Vicky Kaushal, promising a compelling ensemble performance. With its quirky premise and talented cast, the film is ready to captivate audiences with its unique storyline and comedic charm.
Fans eagerly await the release of ‘Bad Newz’ to witness Vicky Kaushal’s latest cinematic endeavor and experience the laughter-filled ride it promises to deliver on the big screen.