Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan recently shared an amusing anecdote about his ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ co-star Vidya Balan. During a conversation on Shardul Pandit’s podcast ‘Shardulogy’, Kartik revealed that Vidya, known for her role in the previous ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa’ films, does not appreciate being called “Vidya Ji.”
The exchange happened when the host, Shardul, joked about Kartik having to romance both Vidya and Madhuri Dixit in the film.
He playfully asked, “Which one scared you the most, Vidya Ji or Madhuri Ji?” Kartik quickly corrected him, saying, “Oh, she doesn’t like it, ji,” referring to Vidya’s dislike for the term. He added that he had gotten used to simply calling her Vidya and recommended others do the same.
Kartik, who has built a close bond with both Vidya and Madhuri during filming, shared that working with them felt like living his college life again. He laughed and said, “It was like we became very close friends,” though he remained tight-lipped when asked about the specifics of their conversations.
In other news, Kartik recently shared stunning photos from the top of Dubai’s Burj Khalifa on Instagram, while promoting ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’.
The actor posted a series of images showing him striking Rooh Baba’s iconic pose, jokingly captioning one photo, “Tell me where you are without telling me where you are. Rooh Baba in.” He looked stylish in a black T-shirt, white pants, and black sunglasses.
Kartik’s whirlwind promotional efforts continue as he also made a surprise visit to a packed cinema hall in Banaras. The ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’ actor posted a video of the theater’s ecstatic response, exclaiming, “Kya bejod response tha Har Har Mahadev. Tuesday night, housefull theater in Banaras #BhoolBhulaiyaa3.”
The success of ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ has been impressive, with the film reportedly collecting around ₹9.50 crore nett on its seventh day, bringing its total earnings to over ₹150 crore. The film is expected to cross the ₹200 crore mark soon. Directed by Anees Bazmee, ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ is the latest installment in the popular horror-comedy franchise, following its successful predecessors featuring Akshay Kumar and Vidya Balan in the first film, and Kartik Aaryan in the second.