Kangana Ranaut has recently expressed her frustration over the rejection of her proposed film centered around the Bilkis Bano case by major streaming platforms like Prime Video and Netflix. The acclaimed actor, who has made headlines for her outspoken views on various issues, including politics and women empowerment, revealed on Tuesday that she has a fully-prepared script for a powerful movie detailing the story of Bilkis Bano.
The Bilkis Bano case, a harrowing episode from the 2002 Gujarat riots, saw the Supreme Court overturning the Gujarat government’s decision to release 11 convicts responsible for the rape of Bilkis Bano and the brutal killing of her family. In response to a user’s inquiry on social media about the possibility of Kangana Ranaut narrating Bilkis Bano’s story through cinema, the multifaceted artist disclosed that she has been diligently working on the project for three years, investing considerable time in research and script development.
However, Kangana Ranaut lamented the lack of support from top-tier studios and OTT platforms, claiming that her attempts to collaborate with Netflix, Prime Video, and other studios were met with rejection. In a tweet, she bemoaned, “I want to make that story, I have the script ready, researched and worked on it for three years. But Netflix, Prime Video, and other studios wrote back to me that they have clear guidelines they don’t do so-called politically motivated films.”
Further complicating her efforts, Kangana Ranaut revealed that JioCinema declined to work with her, citing her affiliation with the BJP, while Zee, another potential collaborator, is currently undergoing a merger, leaving her with limited options for bringing her envisioned project to fruition.
This revelation comes amidst Kangana Ranaut’s recent comments about feeling discouraged by the audience’s praise for her film “Animal” and hints at potential shifts in her career in the future. Despite facing roadblocks, the actor remains determined to tell Bilkis Bano’s story and advocates for a platform that embraces narratives addressing politically sensitive subjects, demonstrating her commitment to storytelling that transcends mere entertainment.