Kajol, the renowned Bollywood actress, took to Instagram today, November 17th, to pay tribute to her grandmother, Shobhana Samarth, on what would have been her 107th birthday. In a heartfelt post, Kajol shared a captivating magazine cover featuring her grandmother, reminiscing about the iconic figure.
Acknowledging Shobhana Samarth as the original Sita, Kajol emphasized her enduring beauty and hailed her as one of the most astute and progressive women of her era. The post highlighted Shobhana’s resourcefulness, revealing that she imported filters from the United States for her close-up shots in films when they were not locally available—a testament to her forward-thinking approach.
Kajol went on to commend her grandmother’s remarkable ability to not only handle her personal finances but also oversee those of her daughters, including Kajol’s mother, Tanuja. Notably, Shobhana Samarth successfully raised seven granddaughters, demonstrating a profound commitment to both family and empowerment.
The post took a moment to celebrate Shobhana Samarth’s role in shaping the values that Kajol holds dear, describing it as “true feminism.” Kajol asserted that her grandmother’s influence is the source of her own attitude, offering a glimpse into the powerful legacy of a woman who made an indelible mark on her family and the film industry.
Shobhana Samarth, a multifaceted personality in the early days of Indian cinema, made significant contributions as an actress, director, and producer. Her portrayal of Sita in the 1943 film Ram Rajya remains a notable highlight in her illustrious career. With four children, including the acclaimed actresses Nutan and Tanuja, Shobhana’s influence extended beyond her professional achievements, leaving an enduring impact on generations to come.