Model turned actress Amyra Dastur, who was last seen in Kaalakaandi opposite Saif Ali Khan and will soon be seen in the Rishi Kapoor starrer and Leena Yadav helmed the film, Rajma Chawal, as the female lead, has a boundless love for animals.
Having already earned a great name for herself in South cinema with films across Tamil and Telugu, Amyra is slowly etching her way into Hindi films. Being a proud parent of three dogs and a cat, Amyra supports various charities associated with animals for their welfare.
Recently the actress created awareness and participated in garage sale organized by the animal charity she is associated with, ‘World for All.’
The World for All charity aims at raising funds for the welfare and well being of strays in India. Amyra is closely associated with the charity, so much so that all 4 of her pets (3 dogs and 1 cat) have been adopted from there.
The young actress has been helping the charity by collecting donations, raising funds and spreading awareness about adopting and rescuing animals off the street and finding them a forever home.
She has also put her resources to educate people on the truth of illegal breeding and hopes that, in a few years, India will completely ban any breeding of animals and encourage the adoption of rescues and strays.
Talking about the World for All charity, Amyra said, “I’ve had the immense joy and happiness of growing up around animals. All my pets have been rescued by ‘World For All’. Each of them hold a very special place in my heart and have really taught me the meaning of selflessness. I learnt a lot by taking care of my animals and I know for a fact they’ve helped me build some of the best childhood memories I could have ever asked for.”