Actor-Producer Jackky Bhagnani is setting new examples for everyone with his philanthropy during these challenging times of Covid-19 which has affected the livelihoods of many. In another mark of support, Bhagnani donated essential groceries for one month to 600 dancer’s families of All India Film Television and Events Dancers Association.
The dancers have been drastically hit as the events and production work has been on a halt for about 4 months now. Extending a hand of support to their families, Jackky Bhagnani helped the families, doing his bit for the society yet again. As a label, Jackky’s Jjust Music works with dancers along with musicians for different music videos. Helping his own, while keeping the intent of his motto high of “artists first”, Jackky marked his donations through the label.
Earlier also, the actor-producer had donated more than 1000 PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) kits to BMC officials. When Jackky found out that these officials were working without these kits, he immediately decided to send those to them. Also, through his initiative Muskurayega India under the Jjust Music label, they managed to donate more than Rs 3 crores to the various relief funds for COVID-19.
In the past, too he has taken to social media asking people to introspect about their deeds towards nature, he has also urged people to take necessary precautions. Jackky with his sensitivity and empathy is truly leading by example!