There is lot of excitement in Uttarakhand about the upcoming Hindi film Tubelight. Not because many film goers like Salman Khan here, but due to a traditional folk song from Uttarakhand featuring in the movie- set in the 1962 Sino-Indian war.
Lines of traditional folk song on ‘Phool Daye’ (festival of flower) have been used as chorus in Naach Meri Jaan number. Sung by Kamaal Khan, Nakash Aziz, Dev Negi and Tushar Joshi, the ‘Phool Daye-Chamma Daye’ lines have created pleasant surprise for the highlanders.
The 'Phool Daye' is celebrated annually in all parts of the Uttarakhand Himalayas from mid-March to mid-April. In the month long festival kids visit different homes in their village/town in the morning and place flower on the doorsteps. The tradition festival had lost much of it sheen, with mass migration taking place in the hills.
Folk artist Anil Bisht says, “The folk song featuring in Salman Khan starrer Tubelight movie will spread awareness about the traditional festival. This will also inspire fellow highlanders to popularise ‘Phool Daye’.”
Children collect flowers in small baskets and sprinkle the petals on the doorsteps of each house in their village, wishing the people happiness. The villagers tip the children with money and special delicacies at the end of the festival.
Cultural artist Ganesh Kuksal Gani says, “Besides placing flowers, the kids sing the Phool Daye-Chamma Daye song. The festival is celebrated during the advent of spring.”
Releasing this week, highlanders are anxiously waiting for the movie to hit the silver screen. The trailer of the song was released recently on internet. The costume of dancers, set and folk song caught the attention of movie lovers. Tubelight has create a big buzz on social media group of Uttarakhand.