Sara Ali Khan is one of the finest actors among all who have recently made their Bollywood debut. The actress has quite a spectacular line up of films ahead of her. She will next be seen in Atrangi Re alongside Dhanush and Akshay Kumar. She has also finished shooting for her movie Coolie No 1 alongside Varun Dhawan.
Recently, eminent dance choreographer Ganesh Acharaya was all praise for the actress.
In a recent interview, Ganesh Acharaya said, “Sara has done a wonderful job. I have choreographed songs for her before in Simmba so this is not the first time I am making her dance to my tune. She is a very talented actress. It was like whatever steps I wanted her to do she definitely performed them exuberantly on the screens.”
He further added that Sara Ali Khan has certainly got some groovy moves and the audience has witnessed it on screens in the past.
Apart from acting, Sara Ali Khan has an epic transformation story which is really awe-inspiring and an enormous following on social media as well. She has certainly carved a niche for herself in the Indian film Industry and the audience just awaits for what more she has in store for them.
The actress has a fascinating and compelling line up of two very different films with Aanand L. Rai’s film Atrangi Re being a musical film and David Dhawan’s Coolie No 1 being a remake of the commercial classic comedy film from 1995.