After a tussle of two months, Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case probe has finally gone with the CBI. On Wednesday, the Supreme Court ordered a CBI probe into the death of the Kedarnath actor. Soon after, it is being reported that CBI’s Special Investigation Team (SIT) is likely to arrive in Mumbai on Thursday and will visit Sushant’s Bandra residence where the young actor was found dead.
According to Times Now, the CBI team will recreate the whole scene of the day Sushant passed away. The report also suggests that soon after the top court ordered CBI to investigate Sushant’s case, the agency recorded statements of Sushant’s family and a few witnesses.
The Supreme Court, pronouncing its verdict, observed that the FIR registered at Patna was correct and added that Maharashtra refused the option to challenge the order. It added that the Bihar government was competent to request CBI for a probe into the sensational case.
Post the Supreme Court verdict, Rhea Chakraborty’s lawyer issued a statement stating that the actress has always been in favour of a CBI enquiry in the case and that she will cooperate with the team for further interrogation just like how she recorded her statements before the Mumbai Police and Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the past weeks.
Meanwhile, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) is probing the money laundering angle in the case.
The ED had on July 31 filed a money laundering case against Rhea Chakraborty and five others over suspicious transactions worth Rs 15 crore. The case was filed after ED acted on an FIR filed by Sushant’s father KK Singh with Bihar police, accusing Chakraborty of illegally transferring that amount from his son’s bank account.