Bhojpuri director-screenwriter Anil Ajitabh left for his heavenly abode on May 4 in Patna. The filmmaker’s death comes as a huge shock for the entire Bhojpuri film industry. Ever since the news broke out, his fans and colleagues have be mourning the loss of the Hum Bahubali director on social media.
Anil Ajitabh directed various Bhojpuri films including Hum Bahubali, Ranbhoomi and Ek Duje Ke Liye among others.
Expressing grief, Bhojpuri actor Dinesh Lal Yadav aka Nirahua, who worked with Anil Ajitabh in many films, confirmed the news of the director’s death on his official Instagram handle and paid him a tribute. In the caption, he wrote about Anil Ajitabh’s contribution to the film world and expressed his condolences for the grieving family. Nirahua also shared two photographs of the late filmmaker.
Actress Aamrapali Dubey commented on Nirahua’s post and wrote, “Rip sir I always wanted to work with him, maybe in next lifetime until then, may he hold the greatest place in heaven.”
Apart from Bhojpuri films, Anil Ajitabh also worked in several Bollywood films. He was the associate director on Prakash Jha’s Jai Gangaajal, Apaharan and Ajay Devgn’s Dil Kya Kare. The film released in 2016 and starred Priyanka Chopra in the lead role.