Bhushan Kumar and Aanand L Rai’s film Atrangi Re starring Akshay Kumar, Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush went on floors on Thursday. This never-seen-before combination of actors is all set to entertain the audience. The film has already created much buzz since its teaser was released.
Taking the news to his official Twitter handle, Bhushan Kumar shared a picture of clapboard with the film’s name kept next to puja offerings. Alongside he wrote, “Our next collaboration with @aanandlrai #AtrangiRe starring @dhanushkraja, #SaraAliKhan & @akshaykumar goes on floors today Clapper board The film which is an @arrahman musical and written by #HimanshuSharma will release on Valentine’s 2021. My best wishes to the entire team (sic).”
Atrangi Re marks the first film in which the trio of Sara Ali Khan, Akshay Kumar and Dhanush will be seen sharing the screen space.
The film is slated to release on next Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2021.