While Arjun Rampal’s latest movie, “Bhaagvanth Kesari,” continues to receive global acclaim, his recent social media activity has set fans abuzz. The Bollywood star recently took to Instagram, sharing a picture in a stylish all-blue ensemble, complete with sunglasses, a watch, and a confident pose. The caption, “Something brewing. #mood #goa,” has sparked a flurry of speculation among the Arjun Rampal fans.
Fans have eagerly filled the comments section with guesses and excitement. Some anticipate that it might not be related to a movie, saying, “I have a feeling it’s going to be something other than a movie. Thank you for keeping the masculine sexiness alive,” while others are hopeful for a new cinematic project, noting, “Perhaps a movie to light up our screens. Love your work always.”
Known for both his acting and style, Arjun Rampal consistently grabs headlines. As he enjoys the success of “Bhaagvanth Kesari,” fans are eagerly awaiting to discover what exciting venture the star has in store.
In his most recent performances, he took on a prominent role alongside Konkona Sen Sharma in Aparna Sen’s Hindi film “The Rapist” in 2021, which earned a nomination for the Kim Jiseok award at the 26th Busan International Film Festival.
While initially slated to make his debut in Telugu cinema as the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in “Hari Hara Veera Mallu,” he had to withdraw from the project due to other prior commitments. Additionally, in 2022, he played a role in “Dhaakad.”