Veteran actor Anil Kapoor is known for defying age in the best possible way. Despite being 63 years old, the actor looks so fit and gives a tough competition to the young actors. He always managed to present something to the table every time he hits the screen. And while it is always a delight to watch Anil on the silver screen, this powerhouse of talent has completed 37 years of being a star actor in Bollywood.
Anil Kapoor made his Bollywood debut from the film Woh Saat Din, which was released on June 23, exactly 37 years ago from today.
On this special day, Anil penned an overwhelming note about his journey in the industry and thanked his fans, family, co-stars and filmmakers for being his backbone. He even mentioned that while he got several labels over the years – an actor, star, superstar, flop star, an international star, evergreen star, he always believed in his talent.
Sharing a few stills from the film, Kapoor wrote on Instagram, “Anil wrote, “#37YearsOfWoh7Din, 37 years of being a star actor, always been tradeable, accessible, working and making choices… good…bad…great…sometimes even if they might not have seemed right at the time but have always stood the test of time. Started as an actor, become a star…super star according to the trade….then a flop star…rose as a star again…international star…supporting actor….evergreen star and the list goes on… labels never really mattered to me nor did I ever take them seriously…I have always been aware of my talent & caliber…just wanted to feed my love and hunger for work…37 years later it’s still the same and hopefully by the grace of almighty will continue to remain the same….A Big Thank You to all my fans, filmmakers, co-actors & crews that I have worked with…. and of course my family for being my backbone (sic).”
Meanwhile, the actor is in home quarantine along with his family. He also gives sneak peek from his workout session which is a delight to watch.
On the work front, he was last seen in Malang. He will be next seen in the much talked about Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 starring Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani in the lead.