After veteran writer-producer Vinita Nanda accused popular actor Alok Nath of rape, the latter reacted to the allegation. The writer-producer of 1990s show ‘Tara’ took to Facebook on 8 October and narrated an incident that took place 20 years ago.
Addressing the accusations made against him, Alok Nath spoke to ABP Live and said, “Neither I am denying this nor I would agree with it. It (rape) must have happened, but someone else would have done it. Well, I do not want to talk much about it as for the matter if it has come out, it will be stretched.”
Also read: Veteran writer-producer Vinta Nanda accuses Alok Nath of rape
Talking about his relationship with Nanda, the 62-year-old actor also spoke to Zoom TV. “At one time she used to be such a good friend… today she said such a big thing. In a way, it was me who made her what she is. It is useless to react on the allegations as in today’s world whatever a woman says, only that will be considered. In such a situation, it would be wrong to say anything,” he said.
In her post, Nanda had revealed that she was intoxicated when the horrific incident took place. When asked about his views on the statement, the Vivah actor replied, “Firstly, let’s not blame the alcohol. Secondly, it’s her perspective.”
“In any horrific incident, a single person isn’t involved. Either it’s a ghost or another human being. So she’s had a related incident, which is fine,” he added.
While Nanda had not named the actor in her post, she later told the media it was Alok Nath. In an SMS to IANS, she said: “It is Alok Nath. I thought saying ‘sanskaari’ would do the needful.”
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Several Bollywood celebrities have came in support of Vinita Nanda and took to Twitter to extend solidarity.