Celebrating a milestone in his illustrious career, Bollywood stalwart Ajay Devgn marked the 25th anniversary of his action-packed thriller ‘Kachche Dhaage’. The veteran actor took to Instagram on Monday, treating fans to a nostalgic reel featuring snippets from the iconic film. Released on February 19, 1999, ‘Kachche Dhaage’ starred Ajay Devgn alongside Saif Ali Khan, Manisha Koirala, and Namrata Shirodkar in pivotal roles, under the direction of Milan Luthria, who made his directorial debut with the film.
Despite its primarily folk and Punjabi musical roots, the movie struck a chord with audiences across linguistic boundaries, thanks to the melodious compositions by the legendary Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and poignant lyrics penned by Anand Bakshi.
The narrative revolves around Ajay Devgn’s character, a daring smuggler navigating the treacherous terrain along the Rajasthan-Pakistan border. Shot against the breathtaking backdrops of Rajasthan’s deserts and Switzerland’s scenic landscapes, the film captivated audiences upon its release on February 10, 1999, in Mumbai.
Interestingly, ‘Kachche Dhaage’ shares its title with a 1973 film directed by Raj Khosla, featuring Vinod Khanna, Moushumi Chatterjee, and Kabir Bedi. However, the storyline of Ajay Devgn’s version bears resemblances to Jackie Chan’s 1987 action-adventure ‘Armor of God’.
Looking ahead, Ajay Devgn’s cinematic journey continues with Neeraj Pandey’s much-anticipated directorial venture, ‘Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha’, opposite the talented Tabu. Set against the backdrop of a unique musical love story intertwined with epic romantic drama spanning two decades, from 2002 to 2023, the film promises a captivating cinematic experience. Scheduled for a multi-language release, ‘Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha’ also features Saiee Manjrekar and Shantanu Maheshwari in pivotal roles, and is slated to hit theaters on April 26, 2024.