

Aamir Khan hosts grand 90th birthday bash for his mother

Aamir Khan celebrates his mother’s 90th birthday with over 200 family members and friends from across India in a grand Mumbai gathering.

Aamir Khan hosts grand 90th birthday bash for his mother

Image Source: Instagram

Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan is planning an extraordinary celebration for his mother Zeenat Hussain’s 90th birthday on June 13th. Known for his deep bond with his mother, Aamir is pulling out all the stops to ensure this milestone is unforgettable.

To honor this special occasion, Aamir is bringing together over 200 family members and friends from across India. Guests will be flying in from various cities, including Banaras, Bangalore, Lucknow, and Mysore, to join the festivities in Mumbai. This grand gathering is a testament to the importance of family and the strong connections Aamir maintains despite his busy career.

An insider close to the family shared, “Aamir Khan is going all out for his mother’s 90th birthday. Given her health struggles over the past year, this celebration is even more meaningful. Now that she is feeling better, everyone wanted to come together for a large family reunion. It’s going to be a heartwarming event with people traveling from all corners of the country.”


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Aamir’s close relationship with his mother is well-known. Zeenat Hussain has been a guiding force in his life, both personally and professionally. Aamir often seeks her opinion on his film scripts and projects, valuing her insights deeply. This upcoming celebration is another example of his devotion and respect for her.

Beyond his professional life, Aamir has shown his commitment to his mother in numerous ways. A notable instance is when he took a break from his career to fulfill his promise of taking her on the holy Haj pilgrimage to Mecca. In interviews, Aamir has spoken fondly about this experience, highlighting the special moments they shared during the journey.

As preparations for the birthday bash continue, anticipation is building. The celebration at Aamir’s Mumbai residence promises to be a joyous and memorable event, filled with love, laughter, and heartfelt reunions. For Aamir, this is not just a party but a tribute to the woman who has been his pillar of strength and inspiration throughout his life.

On June 13th, the Khan residence will undoubtedly be the scene of much happiness and celebration, marking Zeenat Hussain’s 90th birthday in a way that reflects the love and unity of their family.
