Kerala youth dies after swallowing MDMA to evade police arrest
A 28-year-old man from Maikkavu near Thamarassery in Kerala’s Kozhikode district died after allegedly swallowing MDMA upon spotting the police.
Anna Shay, a philanthropist and the star of the Netflix reality series “Bling Empire,” passed away suddenly at the age of 62. According to the family Ms. Shay passed away due to a stroke.
[Photo: Twitter/Netflix]
Anna Shay, a philanthropist and the star of the Netflix reality series “Bling Empire,” passed away suddenly at the age of 62. According to the family Ms. Shay passed away due to a stroke.
The family of the deceased confirmed in a statement shared with CNN by Netflix in which they expressed their sadness over Anna Shay’s passing at the young age of 62 due to a stroke. She was a devoted mother, grandmother, dynamic star, and our brightest beam of sunshine. Anna gave us many valuable lessons about enjoying the finer things in life and not taking everything too seriously. We will never forget her influence on our lives, but we will always miss her.
Shay made an appearance on “Bling Empire” on Netflix when the reality show first aired in 2021. Shay was the richest member of the ensemble and a billionaire heiress whose parents amassed their wealth in the weaponry and defence technology sector. She was a fan favourite and well-known for her witty one-liners. “Best Burn” reels were made specifically to highlight her vicious humour.
Shay was born and raised in Japan by his half-Japanese, half-Russian parents, Ai Oizumi Shay and American businessman Edward Shay.
Mr. Shay, was a socialite from Los Angeles, starred in two seasons of the Netflix programme. In 2021, Shay rose to fame on the reality TV programme “Bling Empire” on Netflix. Along with Kim Lee, Jaime Xie, Gabriel and Christine Chiu, Kane Lim, and other Asian American Los Angeles socialites, she appeared in the film. The programme was frequently referred to as “Crazy Rich Asians” in real life.
Edward Shay was the father of Ms. Shay, he founded the American defence and government services provider Pacific Architects and Engineers, or PAE, and who passed away in 1995. According to reports, the company’s clients today include NASA and the U.N., but in the 1960s and 1970s, it served as cover for the Phoenix Programme, a CIA-led operation to root out undercover communist Viet Cong operatives and their supporters through a method that occasionally resulted in the killing of Vietnamese and other people.