The ace actor-director pairing of Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan is back to create a stir at the box office. They have collaborated to deliver several hit films, including ‘Hera Pheri.’ As the duo gears up for their next project, ‘Bhooth Bangla,’ they are joined by the original trio of impeccable comic timing—Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, and Asrani. All five are known for their epic collaboration in the cult classic horror-comedy, ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa.’
According to a report by Pinkvilla, a source close to the publication stated, “It’s the return of the team that has brought smiles to cinema-going audiences across generations. Bhooth Bangla is a perfect script that warrants their reunion, as every character has a trait that will evoke laughter. The idea is to create a unique comic experience with undertones of horror in the backdrop.”
Moreover, the source added, “Akshay Kumar announced the film on his birthday because he was aware of the excitement among fans for this reunion. He is confident that the script will do complete justice to the legacy of his collaboration with Priyan. The addition of Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, and Asrani to the cast has made the film even more exciting. Akshay plays a quintessential Priyadarshan hero who gets entangled in a hilarious comedy of errors.”
The film, backed by Ekta Kapoor, was announced in 2023. Since, fans have been waiting patiently for the reunion of the actor-director duo. The filming of ‘Bhooth Bangla’ is expected to begin in 2025. Moreover, it is expected to release at end of next year. In addition to the mentioned actors, the film’s casting is underway, as they plan to bring in three female actors as well. The source assured the publication, “The casting and pre-production work are going on in full swing.”
Also Read: Akshay Kumar reunites with Priyadarshan for ‘Bhooth Bangla’ after 14 years
Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar’s last film was the comedy ‘Khel Khel Mein.’ His recent films have been performing poorly at the box office. With ‘Bhooth Bangla,’ fans expect that the Khiladi of Bollywood will make a strong comeback. Moreover, it is also being speculated that Akshay will star in the third installment of the blockbuster horror-comedy ‘Stree,’ given his cameo and post-credits scene in ‘Stree 2.’
Notably, ‘Bhooth Bangla’ marks the seventh collaboration between Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan. Previously, they have worked together on ‘Hera Pheri,’ ‘Bhagam Bhaag,’ ‘Garam Masala,’ ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa,’ ‘De Dana Dan,’ and ‘Khatta Meetha.’