Actor Pratik Gandhi is set to grace the screen alongside his wife Bhamini Oza in the upcoming ‘Gandhi’ series. While Pratik takes on the iconic role of Mahatma Gandhi, Bhamini will portray the pivotal character of Kasturba Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi’s wife.
Bhamini expressed her excitement about stepping into Kasturba’s shoes, describing it as a serendipitous twist in her acting journey. She is collaborating with director Hansal Mehta and the Applause Entertainment team, alongside her husband, Pratik. She aims to infuse honesty and a genuine connection into her portrayal of Kasturba.
The announcement of Bhamini Oza joining the series coincides with Kasturba Gandhi’s 155th birth anniversary, adding a poignant touch to the occasion. Director Hansal Mehta praised Bhamini’s talent, highlighting her past performances as evidence of her capability to embody such a significant role. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to witness Bhamini breathe life into Kasturba’s character.
Managing Director of Applause Entertainment, Sameer Nair, emphasized the authenticity brought by casting the real-life couple as Mohan and Kastur. Their shared understanding promises to bring a profound realism to the portrayal of these legendary figures.
The series, based on the works of historian Ramachandra Guha, draws inspiration from his books ‘Gandhi before India’ and ‘Gandhi – The Years that Changed the World’. Siddhartha Basu, a revered figure in Indian television, has joined the project as a historical, factual, and creative consultant, adding another layer of expertise to the production.
With Pratik and Bhamini’s on-screen chemistry and dedication to their roles, coupled with the creative vision of the team behind the series, ‘Gandhi’ promises to be a poignant and authentic portrayal of one of history’s most revered figures and his equally remarkable wife.