The much-anticipated treasure hunt franchise returns with a bang with their third film “Karnasubarner Guptodhon.” Directed by Dhrubo Banerjee the film will bring back together Abir Chatterjee, Ishaa Saha, and Arjun Chakrabarty in the lead roles. Produced under the banner of SVF the historical adventure will hit the big screen this Durga Puja.
Keeping in sync with the legacy, Karnasubarner Guptodhon will feature the famous trio Sona Da, Abir, and Jhinuk as they delve into the quest of unearthing new treasures. The first look of the film was revealed on Thursday morning.
The film follows the trio as they get an invitation for a wonderful occasion but their vacation soon turns into an adventurous ride as they quest for the greatest treasure of Bengal.
The actors took to social media revealing the first look of this much-awaited film and announced that the trio Sona da, Abir and Jhinuk are back to take us on a new adventurous hunt this Puja.
The film is scheduled to be released on September 30, 2022.