In a heartfelt response to the distressing incident that unfolded at Delhi’s Kalkaji Temple during his performance, singer B Praak took to Instagram Stories on Sunday to express his deep sorrow. Clearly shaken, the artist shared, “Bahut hi dukh hua aur aur bahut hi mayus hun main, bahut hi dukhi hu aaj” (I am very sad and disheartened. I feel very upset today). With a heavy heart, he recounted the unprecedented experience of witnessing a stage collapse during his performance, a sight that left him deeply affected.
The incident occurred on the night of January 27 at Kalkaji Mandir, where B Praak was to perform. In his emotional message, he extended his sympathies to those affected, stating, “Maa Kalka mandir mein aaj jo bhi hua bahut hi dukh ki baat hai” (Whatever happened at Maa Kalka temple today is very distressing). Expressing concern for the well-being of those injured, he conveyed his hope for a speedy recovery for all those affected by the unfortunate incident.
Amidst the emotions, B Praak emphasized the importance of event management. He highlighted that they had taken precautions. But the overwhelming love of the audience for Maa Kalka and himself led to a challenging situation. He stressed the need for carefulness, especially for the safety of children and the elderly, recognizing the irreplaceable value of life. The singer urged everyone to prioritize safety in future events, acknowledging that the well-being of the audience should always be the top priority.
In a plea for cautiousness, he stated, “My heart is deeply saddened today, very much so, because this should have never happened.” Despite the unfortunate turn of events, B Praak expressed his gratitude for the love and support of the audience and assured them that he would return to perform when Maa wishes. However, he stressed the importance of caution to ensure that no one’s life ever comes to risk.
In closing, B Praak’s heartfelt message serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the necessity for stringent safety measures in public events to prevent such unfortunate incidents from occurring in the future.