Bollywood star Ayushmann Khurrana’s sequel to his 2019 hit ‘Dream Girl’ has set an early release date. The film, which also stars Ananya Panday, will now drop a week early in theatres on June 23, 2023.
The reason behind the move is to avert a clash with ‘Satya Prem ki Katha’, which stars Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani in the lead roles. ‘Dream Girl 2’ was supposed to be released on the same day as ‘Satya Prem ki Katha’ on June 29, 2023.
On learning that ‘Satya Prem ki Katha’, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, is slated to release on the same day, the producer of ‘Dream Girl 2’, Ektaa R Kapoor agreed to shift the date of ‘Dream Girl 2’ from June 29 to June 23, 2023.
The makers of ‘Dream Girl 2’ had recently dropped a teaser and announced the second instalment of the film.
Meanwhile, Ayushmann’s recent film ‘Doctor G’ is garnering love from the audience. The actor again chose an off-beat role of a gynaecologist this time with ‘Doctor G’.