Actor Ayushmann Khurrana recently expressed his delight at the expanding footprint of Indian cinema on the global stage. In an interview with ANI, he applauded the increasing recognition of Indian films worldwide, noting their presence at prestigious events like the Oscars and major international film festivals. For Khurrana, this marks a significant moment of pride, emphasizing that being an artist in today’s era is particularly rewarding, especially as Indian cinema garners more acclaim on the global stage.
Speaking further, Ayushmann Khurrana highlighted the diversity in Indian cinema’s success, citing both commercial blockbusters and mid-budget films finding their footing in the industry. He stressed the importance of showcasing heightened emotions in storytelling, whether through drama or comedy, to meet the standards set by world cinema.
Recently, Khurrana participated as a speaker at FICCI Frames 2024, discussing the evolving landscape of the film industry.
On the film front, Khurrana’s last outing was in the comedy-drama ‘Dream Girl 2’, alongside Ananya Panday, Annu Kapoor, and Abhishek Banerjee, which received widespread acclaim. Looking ahead, he expressed enthusiasm for his upcoming projects slated for release this year, promising a diverse range of genres to cater to varied audience preferences.
In a statement, Khurrana teased his plans for 2024, emphasizing his commitment to delivering quality cinematic experiences that resonate with audiences across different demographics. He emphasized the importance of communal viewing experiences in theaters and expressed his eagerness to unveil his lineup of films, promising a mix of compelling narratives suitable for family outings.
Khurrana concluded by reaffirming his dedication to following his instincts in selecting roles and expressed his excitement about sharing his upcoming projects with audiences. He assured fans that each film in his pipeline would receive a grand announcement in due time, underscoring his passion for the craft and his commitment to delivering memorable cinematic experiences.