Shah Rukh Khan’s signature pose, which was known to have impressed girls, has now become a medium of teaching road safety to all. The Assam Police has used it in a creative way to help many understand traffic rules and regulations.
Assistant Commissioner of Police, Jalukbari, Guwahati City, Ponjit Dowarah, took to Twitter to share the poster featuring Shah Rukh Khan and wrote, “Traffic niyam ka kripaya palan kare (please obey the traffic rules).”
ALSO READ: Fan made teaser of Shah Rukh Khan’s Zero, watch
In the poster, there is a silhouette of King Khan SRK with one of his outstretched hands holding a placard reading “Traffic niyam ka kripaya palan kare” and a vehicle with a driver in front.
The poster was so quirky that it grabbed the attention of SRK and he lauded the Assam Police’s effort to teach road safety using his iconic step and tweeted, “The best message I think this pose has conveyed. Please please follow traffic rules.”
Not just the actor, Twitterati were also impressed with Assam Police for their creativity and sense of humour.
Here are some of the reactions.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan will be next seen in Aanand L Rai’s Zero alongside Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma.