Veteran actor Anupam Kher has wrapped a shoot schedule for his 511th film. He says that it has always been a pleasure shooting at various locations in Jharkhand.
“As I finish this schedule of my untitled 511th film, I thank the people, the administration, the Rana family and the security people of Ranchi for their love, warmth and hospitality. As always it was a pleasure shooting at the various locations in Jharkhand,” Anupam tweeted on Saturday.
The actor, 62, also met the Chief Minister of Jharkhand Raghubar Das and said that it was a pleasure meeting him.
“It is always a pleasure to meet Jharkhand Chief Minister,” Anupam tweeted on Friday.
Anupam has previously shot here for films like M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story and Ranchi Diaries.