Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan starrer Laal Singh Chaddha, has been one of the biggest box office duds in recent times. The Advait Chandan-directed film was unable to draw audiences to the theaters. But now the Kashmir Files actor, Anupam Kher, has mocked Aamir for the failure of his movie and brought up the #BoycottLaalSinghChaddha trend on social media, which has been cited as one of the main reasons for the film’s poor box office performance ever since it was released on August 11 alongside Raksha Bandhan.
According to media reports, when the actor was asked if he watched Laal Singh Chaddha, he responded, ” I don’t feel like watching right now. I’ll watch it whenever I get the urge, but I wanted to know if Aamir Khan had seen “The Kashmir Files.” The statement made by Kher shows that he neither was keen to watch the movie, nor did he urge anyone to watch it.
Speaking about the boycotting trends, he said, “Every day, there are emerging trends on Twitter and in India, where freedom of speech allows the people to start whatever they want.” But good films always find their way. Though he refused, the failure of Laal Singh Chaddha was due to the online boycott trend. He also pointed out that Aamir Khan’s 2015 statement regarding intolerance had no impact on the financial success of movies like Dangal and PK.
In reference to the contentious “intolerance” remarks made by Aamir in the past, Anupam Kher commented by saying, “Perhaps people thought he should have said that. Despite this, I believe India is the most tolerant nation in the world. Therefore, as a responsible person, you occasionally need to exercise caution in what you say because millions of people are listening to you.
Anupam Kher most recently made an appearance in the Telugu supernatural mystery thriller Karthikeya, which starred Nikhil Siddharth. The film’s main plot involves the hunt for Lord Krishna’s anklet in the submerged city of Dwarka, and the audience adores it.