In honor of their very close friend Shatrughan Sinha’s dynamic victory at Asansol Lok Sabha election in West Bengal, Anu and Shashi Ranjan hosted an intimate dinner with close friends at the J W Marriott, Juhu, recently. To say the night was a starry one would be an understatement as it was graced by the best of the best. Producers, directors, actors and the list goes on of the honorable guests that brought the fun and sweetness to Shatrughan Sinha’s emphatic win on becoming a Member of Parliament!
Mr Ranjan appealed to Shatrughan Sinha on behalf of Hindi cinema to play the integral role of a bridge between the film Industry and the West Bengal government.
He went on to say, “By becoming the cultural ambassador, Shatrughan Sinha will definitely bring the two communities closer and aid greatly in mending West Bengal film policies. His years of experience in dealing with the cinema world will assist him to develop the regional cinema and television in West Bengal government. We are thankful to all our friends in this industry for coming together to celebrate this joyous occasion with us. The night would not have been so special without you all.”
In response to Mr Ranjan’s appeal, Mr Sinha assured that he will do his best to create an ecosystem in West Bengal best suited to Mumbai film and TV industry.
Some of the dignitaries present at the event were Ramesh and Varsha Taurani, Subhash and Manmohan Shetty, Jayanti Bhai Gada, Rumi and Hanan Jaffery, Anu Malik, Raveena Tandon, Poonam Sinha and Shatrughan Sinha, Sonakshi Sinha, Jeetendra, Rahul and Rita Rawail, Mohini and Poonam Dhillon.