Actor Anshuman Jha, known for featuring in films like Love Sex Aur Dhokha and Chauranga, will make his web debut in the show Babbar Ka Tabbar as a Delhi-based tenant.
The show will also mark GEC giant Zee’s foray into web content with their digital platform Zee5. Set in Delhi, the show will have 24 episodes.
“For me, the script is the bible, and is sacrosanct. Over the last few years, I have focused mainly on plays and films and ventured into production with ‘Mona_Darling’. I have had my share of offers for TV and recently on the web as well but nothing excited me,” Anshuman said in a statement.
He is currently enjoying the experience of creating the digital show.
“I am grateful to the makers for involving me in this project,” said the actor, who plays Jaamiya in the show.
The shoot, which began in January, will conclude in March.
“Jaamiya is a character who is high on life, a bit of a recluse who stays holed up in the Parchatti atop the Babbar household. I haven’t trimmed or shaved for nearly two months now. I haven’t had a hair cut also. So, this is the messiest I have been and probably the first time that I am getting what you can remotely call a beard,” said the actor.
The show also stars Manu Rishi and Ayesha Raza.