Ananya Panday is set to captivate audiences with the announcement of her new original series, “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” through a special video introducing the lead cast. The series, directed by a team including Nitya Mehra and Sudhanshu Saria, promises to delve into the exhilarating world of Vandana Valley, a prestigious all-girls boarding school.
Featuring Avantika Vandanapu, Aneet Padda, Dalai, Vidushi, Lhakyila, Afrah Sayed, and Akshita Sood, the spirited cast was unveiled in a quirky video alongside Ananya Panday, adding to the excitement.
With a predominantly women-led ensemble cast including Pooja Bhatt, Raima Sen, and Zoya Hussain, the series promises to challenge societal norms and explore themes of independence, rebellion, friendship, love, and dreams.
Nitya Mehra, the series creator, expressed her intention to authentically portray the school life of Indian girls, highlighting their journey of self-discovery and empowerment. “Big Girls Don’t Cry” aims to celebrate girl gangs and sisterhood while providing a meaningful narrative for young girls navigating their identities.
Scheduled to premiere exclusively on Prime Video in India and across more than 240 countries and territories on March 14, the series reflects Prime Video’s commitment to diverse storytelling. Aparna Purohit, head of India Originals at Prime Video, emphasized the platform’s dedication to providing authentic voices that resonate with a broad audience.
Ananya Panday, despite not being part of the series, expressed her excitement for the project, reminiscing about her own school experiences and the nostalgia it evokes. She emphasized the series’ ability to capture the essence of young girls’ emotions and experiences, making it a relatable and enjoyable watch.
“Big Girls Don’t Cry” promises to be a heartfelt tribute to the journey of adolescence, offering viewers a glimpse into the lives, ideas, and feelings of young girls navigating their paths with courage and resilience. With its engaging storyline and talented cast, the series is poised to resonate with audiences worldwide when it premieres on Prime Video.