Salman Khan and Arijit Singh have put their differences behind them. After their disagreement during Sultan’s production that lasted for seven years, the singer has now recorded a song for the ‘Bhaijaan of Bolloywood’ in Tiger 3, his upcoming movie. Interestingly, it was Salman Khan himself who broke the news. The pair famously fell out during an award ceremony in 2014. He posted an image of the first song from “Tiger 3” on social media. We were drawn to the captions even though he and Katrina Kaif, who plays Zoya in the movie, seemed quite gorgeous.
Instagram Post Of Salman Khan
Katrina is seen sporting white denim shorts and a red crop top. Her sleeves are accessorized with red and white fur and white earrings. Salman wears sunglasses and a black shirt. Behind the two headliners, a few background dancers can be observed. “Pehle gaane ki pehli jhalak (The first glimpse of the first song) #LekePrabhuKaNaam!” is what Salman put as the caption. Well, this is Arijit Singh’s first song for me. Haan, yeh hai Arijit Singh, ka pehla gaana mere liye.” Salman revealed that the first song from Tiger 3 will be released one week after the release of the teaser on Monday, October 23. Pritam is the composer, Amitabh Bhattacharya is the writer, and Vaibhavi Merchant is the choreographer. November 12th, on Diwali, is the scheduled date of Tiger 3’s theatrical debut.
Rejoicing over this eagerly anticipated partnership, fans of both the singer and the actor poured into the comment area. Arijit’s decision to attend a popular program in slippers to pick up his prize in 2014 marked the beginning of Salman and Arijit’s falling out. “Sula diya aap sab ne (You guys bored me to sleep)” was Arijit’s response to co-host Salman’s mocking question, “Tu hai winner? (You’re the winner?)” Arijit was thus removed from several Salman productions, including Sultan, Bajarangi Bhaijaan, and Kick. Even more, the singer apologized to the actor in a social media message that he later withdrew.