Celebrity couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are celebrating five years of marital bliss on Sunday. On the occasion, Anushka, who is gearing up for her comeback with the sports biopic ‘Chakda ‘Xpress’ took to her Instagram to share an array of unseen pictures of her husband and herself.
She wrote in the caption: “What better day than today to post these lovely pictures to celebrate us, my love! Pic 1 – me knowing you’ve always got my back. Pic 2 – forever holding gratitude in our hearts (both getting incredibly lucky).”
She further wrote: “Pic 3 – You resting on hospital bed a day-after my long and painful labour. Pic 4 – Us keeping fine taste in things. Pic 5 – some random fellow. Pic 6- you making most of my photos un-post-able with ur unique expressions. Pic 7 – CHEERS TO US, MY LOVE TODAY, TOMORROW & FOREVER.”
Virat and Anushka tied the knot on December 11, 2017 in Borgo Finocchieto, an 800-year-old village-turned-villa that was renovated and turned into a boutique property.
The two dated for a few years before they parted ways but, cupid stood by their side as they eventually tied the nuptial knot and became parents to their daughter Vamika in 2021.