It was a triple clash at the box office on January 12 when three promising films released on the same day. But there can be only one victor! Vikram Bhatt’s 1921 proved out to be more successful than its competitors (Mukkabaaz and Kaalakaandi) at the box office.
The three films released were all very different from each other and it was one of the most talked about clashes at the box office. While 1921 emerged as the victor, Kaalakaandi and Mukkabaaz did average business at the box office in their first weekend.
1921, a horror romantic film, featuring Zarine Khan and Karan Kundra, has collected Rs 8.07 crore at the box office in its first four days.
Meanwhile, despite getting strong word of mouth from fans and critics, Anurag Kashyap’s acclaimed drama Mukkabaaz didn’t sold out tickets as per the expectations as the film collected Rs.4.85 crore in its first four days, which is almost half of what 1921 earned at the box office.
The coming days are crucial for Kashyap’s film as the film can manage to steal the spotlight from 1921 courtesy of stellar performances and realism in the storyline.
Last but not the least, Saif Ali Khan’s Kaalakaandi is the lowest scorer at the box office in this clash, as the film has only collected Rs.3.85 crore at the box office in its first weekend (Monday’s business is yet to report).
Clashes at box office are always interesting to watch and this clash was no less with 1921 emerging as the victor in this three-way competition at the box office.
Well, it’ll be interesting to see the fate of these films in the coming days and who will emerge as the highest grossing film before the mega clash between Pad Man and Padmaavat, both of which are releasing on January 25.