The social media war between Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Rawat and former Chief Minister Harish Rawat has intensified. Very recently, Congress national general secretary Harish Rawat attacked the BJP by claiming that though the result of the Lok Sabha election is yet to be declared but BJP workers are taking law and order in their hands and have manhandled a Congress worker at Kiccha.
It was followed by another remark by Harish Rawat in which he said, “In this election the work of Trivendra Rawat was not made an issue to woo voters, while the work of my government was discussed by public.”
This provoked Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Rawat to lash out at “Har Da” for his comment. Making a direct post addressed to Harish Rawat, Trivendra said, “You win and lose elections. In democracy, your win and defeat depends on public. You rightly said that people still remember you. But for which work? You must have realized in 2017. Who rules the public hearts will become clear on 23 May.”
In his post, Trivendra Rawat also highlighted the arrogance and overconfidence of Harish Rawat for not hosting any political rally of Rahul Gandhi at Nainital Lok Sabha seat from where the veteran Congress leader and former CM contested polls this time.
Harish Rawat enjoys a big fan following on Twitter. With 323K followers, Har Da is much ahead of Trivendra Rawat (155K followers). But despite ruling the social media, Harish lost from two seats in the 2017 Uttarakhand assembly elections.
Dr Devendra Bhasin, media head of Uttarakhand BJP, said, “Sensing his defeat in Lok Sabha polls, Harish Rawat has made a wrong tweet on Trivendra Rawat. Uttarakhand BJP asked the public to vote for the party on the works of Narendra Modi and Trivendra Rawat. While Trivendra Rawat travelled to every nook and corner of the hill state, Harish Rawat shifted from Haridwar to Nainital and got fixed there.”